Saturday 3 March 2012

Sorry I'm Late

My letter for the 3rd of March- only late...

It's past midnight in London and we just got home after watching a Baroque Extravaganza. Your Daddy and I enjoyed it very much. How I wished you were with us tonight. But I thought about you all the time, especially when they played your favourite piece- Canon by Pachelbel.

Here's what happened before we went to watch the recital:

I spent most of the morning speaking to your Mama. I didn't know that she has gone back to work already. You will be pleased to know that she didn't sound as sad anymore. We talked so much about you obviously. I must admit, I am learning more and more about you every time I speak to her. It makes me miss you even more, but I love hearing things about you, and the happy memories that you have spent with them, especially with your Adings. Your Adings think about you everyday. And guess what, according to your Mama, they have noticed some positive changes in them. I mean they are also good kids, but you probably know that they can be "makulits" sometimes. Now they are very conscious of the things that they know would upset you, so they try to avoid them as much as they can. Probably because you apparently told them to be good. This was few months before you went home to Jesus. See, you were really a good influence on your Adings, and they really look up to you until now. You have taught them very well too. Even your Tito George (JL) told me that he witnessed how you would tell your Adings off if they were naughty. You were the best Kuya ever! By the way, I spoke to Tito George yesterday afternoon too. He also told me so much about you. I will tell you all about it when I am ready. But he said that you were perfect enough to be with God, and that we were lucky to have had a perfect person like you. 

Your Mama has brought your pillow out again and Ading Linus is using it now. He cried the first time he used it because he was and still is missing you. But he knows very well that you are now an Angel in heaven. And as we all do, he talks about you all the time.

Even though you have left us, some of your friends still go to our house to play with Ading. J was there yesterday and he took Ading Linus and Ading Cxyrelle (with Mama and Papa) for a swim at their resort. They will go there again later this afternoon. He is apparently teaching Ading Linus how to swim. 

It's now 0210am here Anak. I have to go sleep. Please continue to pray for us and please send our love to Jesus.

We miss you and love you so so much.

Mommy Tintin

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