Monday, 1 October 2012

Lolo Claude Monet's Garden

As promised, Daddy and I went to visit Lolo Monet's garden in Giverny, France. Remember when I asked you if you wanted to go there? You just smiled and said, "Opo, kayo po ang bahala" (Yes, it's up to you).I know this was meant to be my surprise for you when you come here next year, but just like everything else, it's too late. But not having you around is not an excuse for me not to live your dreams. So even if you're just in spirit, I would still go to places that you would have loved to go to and would still continue to do things that you've always wanted to do, although maybe not myself personally, but through other people like your Adings and your friends.

Lolo Monet's garden is huge. There are a lot of plants and flowers of different kinds, shapes, colours and sizes. The flowers were absolutely beautiful. Most of them I have not even seen before. I can't even name most of them. I'm sure you would have been able to name them as you liked these sort of things. Surprisingly, I was not emotional as I went in. I was more excited because at least now I can tell you how it was like at Monet's garden and I finally had a glimpse of the famous Water Lily pond.

At first, I was wondering why Monet was your inspiration. I was thinking that your paintings are not that of an impressionist. But Daddy told me that some of your paintings are. I may need to go back to them and have a closer look. 

We spent at least a couple of hours wandering around the garden. We took so many pictures, especially in the pond area. We just couldn't get enough of it. As usual, your Daddy was trying to imagine how Monet painted like, "was he just sitting here while he painted?" and stuff like that. I am so glad that Daddy is a fan of art, otherwise I wouldn't have a clue. It's just a shame that you two were not able to spend more time with each other to talk about the artists and their paintings. I'm sure you would have learned a lot from him. Although he doesn't paint, he has an extensive knowledge about art.

As I have told you, we brought Meow with us. You know if that toy could speak,  she would have told me that she felt lonely being there because she was not with you. If you look at the photos that we took of her, they're quite emotional. 

I could imagine how excited you would have been if only you were with us. Even for me, it was surreal. What more for a child like you whose inspiration was the owner of the garden? I bet you would have been so excited.

Daddy asked me actually if you would have sat there and painted. I was not sure but knowing you, you would have everything stored in your mind and would paint it after. Am I right? Because I know that you used your imagination a lot when you painted. You really didn't have an actual object. Please correct me if I am wrong.

We also went inside Lolo Monet's house. It is a big house. There was one room where I saw some of his paintings. There was quite a few of them. Although photos were not allowed, I sneakily took a couple. It was too late when I realized that there was actually a painting of the water lily on the other side. I am not sure if that room was his studio as I didn't read the guide book. 

Our trip to Monet's garden was all about you. We just wanted to live your dream. I hope you liked the idea of us going there. I thought about you all the time that we were there. I took some photos of flowers and the pond that I wanted you to paint for me. I hope someday, through someone you will be able to do that for me. You just need to tell me which kid should paint them for me.

Thank you for being the reason for most things that I am doing now. I know I should have done these things when you were still here. But who knew that you would be taken back that soon without any warning? I would have preferred it if we had a year or so to wait then we could have done everything that you wanted before you went. But hey, such is life. I should really stop asking questions and bargaining. I know I can't do anything anymore, but your memory lives on. One day at a time, your dreams will come true.

For now, please know that we love you so much and that we miss you all the time.

Mommy Tintin

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