Thursday, 5 September 2013

Your Adings are back on track!

Hi baby, I've missed writing to you. But today I have some good news for you.

So, I think your Adings have finally moved on from your loss because they're back to doing what they loved doing with you. From what Ading Linus told me before, he wanted to be like you so I think this is also one of the reasons why he is into quite a few things lately.

First of all, Ading Lye is into sports. Recently at their District sportsfest, he played the volleyball. Although they didn't win this time, it's okay because he's young and it's his first time to play any sport. Also, he wants to play table tennis. I bought him a racquet but I still haven't sent it yet. Secondly, he has enrolled at Casa San Miguel for his violin lessons. He will start on the 15th of this month. He also joined journalism at the press conference last month. I think he got disappointed though because he didn't know the topic that they asked them to right about. I think the topic was too much for a 10 year-old, but you know I'm sure Ading will try again next time.

Meanwhile, Ading Cxyrelle can't make up her mind on what she wants to learn. She basically wants to learn a few things: piano, violin, painting and taekwondo. But I think taekwondo is what she really likes. However, she also likes to paint. So Mama told her to carefully think about she she likes first because she can only choose one. That's why I think Ading Lye enrolled at Casa first. She was also the school at the sportsfest. Haha. I can imagine you smiling right now.

How I wish you'd never left so the three of you can play sports together. I remember you playing the scrabble and chess with Ading Lye. And also you used to play basketball and badminton with him in our back yard.

I'm sure they're both missing you because you were the one who got them into sports before, especially Ading Lye. But I know that even if you're no longer here, you will be guiding them. I just want to thank you for inspiring your Adings. They really look up to you. And through them, I can fulfill your dreams. Please tell Papa Jesus to all look after your Adings.

I miss you so much anak. How I wish you were here. I love you more than words can say.

Mommy Tintin

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