Saturday, 22 December 2012

End of the world

Nostradamus predicted that yesterday was meant to be the end of the world. I am telling you this now because I remember about the same time last year you were apparently telling Inang and Mama that 2012 is going to be the end of the world. You said that the signs would be water, that there will be a lot of flooding that was going to happen. Ha, you probably read this in one of your researches. I know you loved reading on the internet.

And yes, have you heard of "Gangnam Style"? I don't know why people have associated this with the end of the world, but it's obvious that some people took this seriously. Probably because Nostradamus apparently described the end of the world as this:

"From the calm morning, the end will come ... When of the dancing horse the number of circles will be 9."

So, there you go. I'm sure if you were here you would have loved watching the video on you tube. I remember you loved watching funny videos.  Just in case you missed this one, here it is:

And yeah, it has reached 1 billion hits! Ah you're really missed. I can imagine you and Ading Linus watching this on you tube and laughing your heads off. I can hear your laugh right now. Oh how I miss hearing you laugh. I love you okay? Please never forget that. Whatever happens, you will always be in my heart. 

Mommy Tintin

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