25 January 2012 - I was very eager to go back to London. This was my last shift of the week in Bristol and honestly I've had enough already and all I wanted was to go home to Daddy. That morning, Mama texted me and asked me if I could call them because they had something important to say. I had to steal some time from work to call back home. Apparently Inang was wondering why I hadn't call when they needed the "doctor" in the family. I just made an excuse that I was busy with work. I then spoke to Mama and she told me that you were still having fever and headache. Since I realized that you already had the fever on and off for a few days, I told them to take you to the hospital. I knew they probably weren't expecting me to say that because Mama sounded like she was surprised. Or maybe she was just calm unlike me, I get really nervous when things like this happen. And being in the medical profession, I kind of exaggerate things sometimes. So, I told Mama that they need to bring you to the hospital as soon as possible and there shouldn't be any excuses. At first, Mama told me that you refused because you strongly believed that it was nothing. That it was just a headache and a fever and that you should feel better soon. See, I'm sure you didn't want any of them to worry about you. Even when you probably knew you were not going to be with us that long, you still wanted to reassure them that you were okay. You really never thought about yourself first. You have always thought about other people.
At this point, I didn't think of Dengue because Mama told me that you had series of blood tests prior to your confinement and they were all normal. As far as I know you already had everything checked at this time. But it was so mysterious that no one knew what was wrong with you. While I was trying to study your symptoms, the only thing that I could think of was Meningitis. I called Mama again just to make sure that you didn't have the other classic symptom of meningitis which is photophobia, and she said you were alright with the lights on. I had to rule out meningitis. And because it was you, I couldn't think of anything else anymore. My critical thinking was overshadowed by worry.
When I called Mama at the hospital she said they have given you IV fluids and you were already on strong IV antibiotics. Although your CXR was apparently normal at that time, they treated you empirically for a chest infection.
It was late when I got home in London, so it was morning time back home when I phoned. Mama said that they have taken bloods from you. At that time, the doctors haven't been around to see you yet. I instructed Mama to ask the doctors some questions about your condition. I wanted to make sure that we were not missing anything. But I found it really hard because I wasn't there and I didn't want to use my "just enough" knowledge on medical things to step on anyone's toes. I trusted your doctors, especially my friend because I knew that he would do everything for you- as friends would normally do for each other.
So I went to bed quite contented with the news about your health condition. I prayed to God that you would feel better soon.
The following day was another day.
My heart is breaking at the moment. It is so painful to recall those moments, but I know I have to face the truth in order to recover from this painful experience. I am missing you more and more each day. I will love you forever and ever.
Mommy Tintin
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