Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Your visit to Tita Girlie

I know you and Tita Girl had this special bond, especially when you were about 4 or so years old. You and Tito Gil used to visit her in Subic. And whenever she visited Mama Es and Daddy Henry, you would spend some time with her. So it's quite expected that somehow she thinks about you and misses you too.

Tita told me that she woke up crying last night. She dreamt that she went to a house which was ours but doesn't look exactly the same. She looked for you and when she saw you, she hugged you and told you that she missed you. You smiled at her and hugged her, but she said you looked sad. Then she noticed that two of your teeth were missing, your lower and upper incisors. When she looked at them properly, there were two small teeth growing.( Now I remember, I don't think you lost any of your teeth naturally.) Tita Girl can't recall what else you talked about, but she apparently kept telling you that she missed you and just kept hugging you while she was crying. You were chatting with Tita while she was inspecting your teeth, but unfortunately she can't remember what you were talking about. Then Inang turned up and you disappeared. The only thing Tita can remember is that Inang gave her some rice, but she didn't know what for. And when Tita hugged Inang to say goodbye, Mama and Ading Cxyrelle arrived. She just waved at them because she was leaving. Tita said you looked exactly the same as when the last time she saw you. You wear wearing a green shirt and pants. She said her dream seemed so real that's why she was crying.

Apparently this is the third time that Tita Girl has dreamt about you. The first one was during your wake. You were wearing white then, but you were at a distant so you didn't speak to Tita. The second time, you were with me. Nothing really happened, but she woke up crying because she felt guilty she couldn't come to your send off. But I know you completely understood that.

I know you miss us too that's why you visit us sometimes. And although you haven't visited me recently, I know you're here with me. I am missing you so much everyday. I love you.

Mommy Tintin

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