Tuesday, 23 October 2012

The music changed

As you loved music and was a musician in the making, I thought I'd share this poem written by Mardi Slagle Peaster  for his son, Douglas.

The day you died,
the muscial score of my life was forever changed.
A sad undertone was added.
Some days it is very loud.
Some days it is very soft.
But it is always there.
I am thankful for the days when I
can hear the joyful melody of life.
I will listen to your song forever in my heart

For me though, my music really changed literally since I lost you as I really have not listened to new songs since then, except Bruno Mars's, which was your favourite singer. I have other songs on my playlist apart from your songs, but most of them were the songs we listened together when I went home in 2011. Those were the the last songs we sang together, especially "Fireworks" by Katy Perry. I remember playing that song and you heard it and boy, the smile on your face. And then Ading Linus told me that you liked listening to the song. So it gave me the idea to dance into the music. I remember jumping up and down, with my hand in the air under the mango tree singing along Katy Perry. And there you were in front of the computer looking at me, smiling at me and giggling at times. The memory is very clear to me as those were our best times together. I am forced to recall everything that happened that time because I want to remember the last of everything that I did with you. If only I knew I won't see you ever again, I would have done more with you. I would have sung more songs with you, watched you paint more, listened and watched you play the violin more, tickled you more, pinched your cheeks more, cuddled you more, let you sit on my lap more, slept beside you more and basically did more with you. Ah, I miss you so much. I miss everything about you. I miss the music in you.

I love everything about you and more.

Mommy Tintin

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