Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Our first day without you

Our first day without you also happened to be your 9th day in heaven. It was not that bad at all yet because after we sent you off, people remained in the house until your 9th day. I was going to say celebrate, but it was not like that. It's our tradition to pray and prepare some food on 9th day. Until now, I still don't know the exact reason why we do such thing. I never really asked Inang.

As usual, people came to join us. There were a lot of people which was good. Your friends and teachers came at lunch and some of them came back for dinner too. There were also children from different schools.

People were talking about your send-off. Some of them said that they haven't seen that many people in a long time. People were amazed on how talented you were. They didn't realize that you were that active in school and out until you left. They were actually surprised that you were joining competitions in other places.

Oh, I forgot to tell you that we gave away CDs of your favourite songs. And on your 9th day, we played your songs over and over again. We sang along and some kids danced as well.

I must say at this point we didn't feel that alone as yet because there were people in the house most of the time. Perhaps those who are still close to us didn't want to leave us. It is very good to know that  a lot of people wanted to help our family during our time of need. Most of them volunteered. We didn't even have to ask them to help. They were there as soon as they found out what happened to you. Our family is very blessed to have those people in our lives.

I am missing you so much anak. Please visit me again soon. Love you, okay?

Mommy Tintin

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