So he says. It was last Sunday morning when Ading Linus believed he heard your voice. Mama only told me about it today. Apparently, he woke up and went straight downstairs to Inang's room leaving Ading Cxyrelle upstairs on her own while she was still sleeping. While Ading Linus was lying down on the bed, he heard you calling him "Ading", not just once but a few times. According to him, the voice originally came through the window then from the side where Inang's mirror is. Then when yje voice came on again, it was from the closet and the door, until he heard it coming from the ceiling, from your room. I asked Ading if he was asleep because maybe then he was just dreaming, but he said he was wide awake. Knowing Ading Linus, he got scared and covered his face with a blanket and called Inang. He told her what happened.
Mama told me that when you were here, you didn't like leaving Ading Kika on her own upstairs and you would always call Ading Linus to look after her when you needed to go downstairs. Perhaps that's what happened that's why Ading Linus heard you calling him? I am not sure, but Ading is adamant that he heard you. There is definitely nothing wrong with that but you know how Ading is like, he easily gets scared. You probably remember how he reacts whenever you tried to scare him before. He couldn't even watch Seven Avengefold's music video for one of their songs.
But Ading was quite happy to tell me the story. H seemed to be very sure that it was your voice that he heard. Bless him.
I know you are watching over them. Thank you anak. Your Adings surely miss you so much.
BY the way, Ading Linus, Tito JL and I skyped for the first time. I just found out that Tito also has a skype so we tried it and it worked. How I wish you were here so we could all skype together. I miss you so badly you know. I always think about you. I love you so much.
Mommy Tintin
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