Thursday, 9 August 2012

Keith's Love for God's creatures

I have written to you about this already in the past, but something reminded me of Darwin (your gold fish) today so I am wrtiting about it again. The last time I called home, your Adings were telling me how Darwin is these days. Seems like he is always looking for you. They said that Darwin has changed a little bit in a way that he always wants to be touched when they go and speak to him. When I say touch, they put their finger on the aquarium and Darwin goes and kisses it. He never used to do that when you were still here apparently. He used to wiggle in excitement when he heard your voice. But now, he seems to be looking for something all the time.

And then there's Martin, your talking bird. Ading Linus told me that he still calls out for you, his "Kuya Keith". It's funny how the bird calls you Kuya. By the way, I hope Martin and his friends are not that cold outside. That is also one thing I wanted to do when I have the money, to give them a better home so we don't lose any of them.

I know you loved pets too. I remember you had a hamster, but I don't know what happened to that poor little thing. You also collected ants and looked after them in a bottle, and then you set them free again. Oh, Ading Linus told me a story when there were black ants in the house. Ading wanted to kill them because he was so scared of them. But you told him not to kill them and reassured him that they were not gonna hurt him and that they will just go away. So they did.

There was also this grasshopper that you found dead and you kept it for a while in your locker until Ading Cxyrelle threw it away because it dried up. You were not very happy then. But I think you saved some of it, didn't you?

You knew a lot about fish and animals because you loved reading about them. You also loved watching discovery channel.

Now it is difficult for me to kill any insect or anything because they always remind me of you. You didn't want to hurt them, so why should I?

You really inspire to be a better person. Thank you anak. I love and miss you so so much.

Mommy Tintin

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