Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Keith our confidante

Mommy is going through something at the moment anak, but don't worry I will be fine. How I wish I can tell you all about it now, but I know I will get into trouble if I do.

I remember Inang and Mama boasting about how they used to come to you whenever they were faced with life's challenges. We all know that you were just 11, but they proudly claim that you were more mature than we all think. You listened to them intently and gave them advice as if you were their age. I can remember Inang talking to you in your eternal bed, telling you in regret that she no longer has anyone to talk to when she has problems. I know in my heart that you were the one who comforted her and Mama.

Mama told me that you shared secrets with each other. She even told me a funny story about someone who had a crush on her and the way you reacted when she told you about it. I bet she misses you terribly, especially recently because she also went through quite a difficult time. I am sure if you were here, she would have felt better because she would be able to talk to you about it.

I am trying to imagine how it was like to be talking to you about personal problems. How I wish I have done that when you were still here. But I must admit that since I lost you, I have expressed myself more to you than anyone else. I feel more confident talking to you, although knowing that my letters are being read by other people from all over the world. But I don't care, because this is what makes me feel better and this is helping me in my recovery from losing you. You are my little confidante in heaven. 

You became their confidante, perhaps because you were sensitive enough to know what they were going through. Inang told me something about you randomly telling her that Tatang really doesn't love his family because he never spent quality time with you. You said as if you could read what's inside Tatang's heart. And when he didn't go home, you would tell Inang and Mama where you think he was and reassure them that everything is okay and just to let him be. I wish you could have said more of what you thought about other people. This actually reminds me of something that my friend has told me- that you could see what's inside other people's heart. I would really love to belive that.

I will speak to you before I go to bed. Writing to you has already made me feel better. Thank you for always being there for me. I miss you so much right now. I love you my little angel confidante.

Mommy Tintin

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