On Sunday night, around midnight while Daddy and I were busy on our laptops, we heard this loud noise from our door. It sounded like someone was opening the door with a key. Daddy and I were startled so we both got up. When Daddy Don got to the door, it was already opened and there was this white guy standing in front of Daddy. Daddy asked what he wanted, but the guy instead apologized to him as he apparently entered the wrong door. Then the guy went down the stairs and was on his phone. He was telling the person on the other line that he told him the wrong flat and that he should go down and apologize to the "chinese" guy. He was in front of our building for more or less than 10 minutes.
We were both wondering why he had to say that to the guy. And if he really wanted to steal something then he should have ran off and not hung around in our neighbourhood. Maybe he was honest when he said that he entered the wrong flat, but why does he have our key?
Because Daddy and I were not sure what his intention was, we had to call the police. They came a few minutes later to investigate. They told us they would treat it as a crime as there was breaking and enetering.
So today, they changed our lock and I am hoping that this incident will never happen again.
I hope you're okay up there anak. Tomorrow is the 1st of August and soon enough it will be your first angel birthday.
Oh, how I miss you so much. Please know that I love you.
Mommy Tintin